‟Love these! So easy to open and close and easy to clean! Plus reusable containers are so much better for the environment! Win-win!”
̶ Katie S., Tavva Snack Customer
Tavva Snack set came in three different sizes (12oz., 7oz. and 3oz). These are THE best containers! Dishwasher & Oven safe, eco-friendly, reusable & recyclable, durable & lightweight, and BPA free!!! There’s no plastic! Stainless steel and silicone, that’s it! Simple and good 🙌🏼 Totally kid-proof. AND unbreakable!!! 🎊 The perfect vessel to cart all your healthy foods & snacks around with.
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Gina L.
These are great! Easy to fit into lunch boxes from pbk!
Ariel F.
these things are great! Eco friendly but super durable and toddler-approved. It's important for us to find containers our little can independently open and close.
P M Buchan
I love these stainless steel food tubs and can't recommend them highly enough. Both the stainless steel and the silicone lids are more sustainable and environmentally friendly than plastic Tupperware, and both are probably more healthy when it comes to storing food!Because the tubs are metal, I never feel temped to microwave food inside them, which makes me exponentially less likely to microwave anything in a tomato sauce that would stain them until the end of time! They are a little more expensive financially than plastic equivalents, but not when you factor in the environmental cost of most plastic eventually ending in landfill.The colours are bright and fun, the three sizes ae useful, they stack and are easy to store, and they keep food fresh. I'd recommend them.
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. �You get three 18/8 stainless steel containers with food-grade silicone lids.Capacity is as below:Small- 4ozMedium - 7 ozLarge `4 ozThe containers are as described. I have found them to be leakproof as shown in the video I have submitted. I am currently using them to store baby snacks and some leftover food at home. I find them to be easy to clean and don't leave a stain unlike using plastic. They are perfect for storing fruits and snacks to take to a picnic or on the go.The lids are colourful and BPA and BPS free and works very well. You just have to make sure the lid are on properly by running your fingers on top. I like how you can save storage space by stacking them inside each other.I am very pleased with these containers as they are of good quality and is leakproof. It is a little pricey @ �16.99 but you are paying for the quality!I would recommend it.
Monty Marwood
These snack pots are handy sizes for leftovers that need to be stored securely - they even travel well as I found out when I took some leftover soup to an aunt.Bright and colourful, they are a fun addition to the kitchen. Good for storing dried ingredients once you open the packets and saves any mishaps when you reach for the powdered spices.
Stephanie Gray
These food containers are brilliant! They are fine quality and are leak proof. The silicone lids means that they stretch and fit well. They are a handy size for travelling to work with and keeping snacks from rolling about in your bag. Very impressed with these storage containers
Excellent. I used the white and red ones to make apple muffins for Christmas morning. Very cute, and they slid right off the muffins for the most part. Easy to wash!
Patrick, Mersa and Iris
I use these for toddler snacks or to store her leftovers in the fridge. They are leak proof, easy to clean and the perfect size for baby foods. The silicone covers are really handy too. Easy to store by stacking them into each other. I haven't had an issues with them. I would recommend them for parents and are really helpful when you're taking a baby meal out and about. It's impossible to get any spillage.
Daniel Hernandez
El set de fiambreras trae 5 unidades de diferentes tama�os fabricados de acero inoxidable y con buena terminaci�n en el acabado y textura. Cada envase trae una tapa de silicona que se ajusta excelentemente y sella por completo la fiambrera con solo un poco de presi�n, lo que al igual para abrir resulta f�cil y mas una maniobra que fuerza pero he de all�, de esa t�cnica para abrirlo, lo que lo hace seguro para transportarlo en un bolso para alimentos sea de adulto o infantil.Es tan seguro como para transportar un liquido sin que se derrame o guardar cereales o galletas sin que se pongan rancias.Como son varios los tama�os podemos adaptarnos para colocar ciertos alimentos por separados y dado que es de mental tiende a conservar con mayor eficiencia los alimentos fr�os que los calientes que en combinaci�n con un bolso t�rmico para alimentos el transporte y la conservaci�n resultan mas eficientes.Como la superficies es lisa y es de acero no existe riesgo de contaminaci�n con el metal, adem�s de que luego de su uso es muy f�cil de limpiar incluyendo las tapas que son de silic�n y es que es bien sabido que el silic�n no suele retener olores o restos y part�culas de alimentos con los que ha estado en contacto.En cuanto a resistencia creo que son piezas lo suficientemente firmas y duras como para aguantar muchos a�os de uso continuo siempre y cuando se cuiden y no se sometan a golpes o ca�das importantes que le generen abolladuras porque una deformaci�n puede hacer que la tapa no encaje perfectamente perdiendo de ese modo el sellado completo del envase no garantizando un transporte o almacenaje seguro.El �nico punto negativo que hay que tomar en cuenta es que al ser de acero, la fiambrera no es compatible para transportar alimentos que se deban comer calientes y que luego se necesite calentar en un microondas. Si se introduce la fiambrera en un microondas corremos el riesgo de que el electrodom�stico deje de funcionar por lo que es mejor para transportar alimentos que se deban comer fr�os o en su defecto, alimentos secos como galletas, dulces, cereales, frutos secos, frutas y as�.En definitiva es un set de fiambreras que considero muy bueno pero con las condici�n de usarlos preferiblemente para alimentos de consumo en fr�o.
Daniel Hernandez
El set de fiambreras trae 5 unidades de diferentes tama�os fabricados de acero inoxidable y con buena terminaci�n en el acabado y textura. Cada envase trae una tapa de silicona que se ajusta excelentemente y sella por completo la fiambrera con solo un poco de presi�n, lo que al igual para abrir resulta f�cil y mas una maniobra que fuerza pero he de all�, de esa t�cnica para abrirlo, lo que lo hace seguro para transportarlo en un bolso para alimentos sea de adulto o infantil.Es tan seguro como para transportar un liquido sin que se derrame o guardar cereales o galletas sin que se pongan rancias.Como son varios los tama�os podemos adaptarnos para colocar ciertos alimentos por separados y dado que es de mental tiende a conservar con mayor eficiencia los alimentos fr�os que los calientes que en combinaci�n con un bolso t�rmico para alimentos el transporte y la conservaci�n resultan mas eficientes.Como la superficies es lisa y es de acero no existe riesgo de contaminaci�n con el metal, adem�s de que luego de su uso es muy f�cil de limpiar incluyendo las tapas que son de silic�n y es que es bien sabido que el silic�n no suele retener olores o restos y part�culas de alimentos con los que ha estado en contacto.En cuanto a resistencia creo que son piezas lo suficientemente firmas y duras como para aguantar muchos a�os de uso continuo siempre y cuando se cuiden y no se sometan a golpes o ca�das importantes que le generen abolladuras porque una deformaci�n puede hacer que la tapa no encaje perfectamente perdiendo de ese modo el sellado completo del envase no garantizando un transporte o almacenaje seguro.El �nico punto negativo que hay que tomar en cuenta es que al ser de acero, la fiambrera no es compatible para transportar alimentos que se deban comer calientes y que luego se necesite calentar en un microondas. Si se introduce la fiambrera en un microondas corremos el riesgo de que el electrodom�stico deje de funcionar por lo que es mejor para transportar alimentos que se deban comer fr�os o en su defecto, alimentos secos como galletas, dulces, cereales, frutos secos, frutas y as�.En definitiva es un set de fiambreras que considero muy bueno pero con las condici�n de usarlos preferiblemente para alimentos de consumo en fr�o.
David A. Baer
These silicon cupcake baking cups are a winner.They cradle a large muffin or cupcake. We love the vibrant colors.They are easy to use and the baked product is easy to remove, owing to the silicon surface.A really impressive baking tool.
Garrett Zecker
A great set of silicone muffin cups by TAVVA Kitchen! They are a sturdy, easy to clean, heat-resistant, beautiful little addition to your repertoire, not to mention entirely environmentally friendly as they can be reused over and over again. My set came in red, white, and blue, and easily fit into every pan and recipe I included them in. They went through my dishwasher with ease, and can be handwashed pretty easily as well. This is the second set of these that I have ever owned (as the first set started to disappear piecemeal), and I am very happy with their look and performance. As an added bonus, there was an insert that offered a lifetime warranty, as well. A great product!
Este juego de 5 recipientes en acero inoxidable y con tapa de silicona no est� pensado para almacenar grandes cantidades ya que el XXl tiene una capacidad de 800 ml. Los dem�s recipientes son de 600, 350,200 y 90 ml.Las medidas son aproximadamente estas:� 90 ml con altura de 4,0 cm, di�metro 6 cm y tapa color burdeos� 200 ml con altura de 5 cm, di�metro 8 cm y tapa roja� 350 ml con altura de 5,5 cm, di�metro 10 cm y tapa naranja� 600 ml, con altura de 6,4 cm, di�metro 12 cm y tapa amarilla�800 ml, con altura de 7,5 cm, di�metro 14 cm y tapa verdeTodos caben juntos en el m�s grande as� que apenas ocupan espacioLa calidad es excelente, pero si no te quieres llevar un chasco cuando te lleguen, coge un metro y mira el tama�o real de cada recipiente y si te parece que est� bien entonces c�mpralos, porque son muy buenos, pero algo peque�os.
Como soy anti pl�sticos y me gusta tener mi nevera ordenada todo tupper que sea de cristal o similar me viene bien�y claro�, vi estos, tan coloridos y tan bonitos, que no pude resistirme�aunque a veces no es todo oro lo que reluce.Como llevo ya un tiempo emple�ndolos es ya un buen momento para emitir mi opini�n siempre tratando de hacerlo desde la mayor objetividad posible.Paso a detallar los aspectos m�s y menos importantes que creo han de tenerse en cuenta:?? Lo primero y lo que m�s me gust�: los alimentos se conservan muy bien y durante tiempo, y sobre todo, no quedan restos una vez lavados. En el de silicona me tiene pasado que cuando lo lleno de salsa de tomate de bote queda la marca y nunca se va.?? Las tapas de colores le dan un punto muy vistoso a todo y te ayudan a la hora de organizar.?? Muy buen sellado (tapas de silicona), no cae nada aunque le des la vuelta.?? Comodidad a la hora de guardarlos, uno se introduce dentro del otro y as� sucesivamente, solo queda visto el m�s grande.Como factores negativos: ???? No le encuentro mucho uso al peque�ito del todo, como no sea para meter ajos�, por decir algo porque siempre lo tengo atravesado por el mueble.??Un detalle que no tuve en cuenta a la hora de cogerlos es que no los puedes meter directamente al microondas y eso�, le resta comodidad.??Un poco elevado el precio como todos los productos ecol�gicos�, desgraciadamente.En conclusi�n, tenemos nuestros m�s y nuestros menos�, ser� cuesti�n de valorar a qu� damos m�s peso y en base a eso decidir si merece la pena o no cogerlos, yo�, los estoy usando, pero con reservas y eso tengo que a�adirlo porque no ser�a justa en mi opini�n.Si os ha parecido �til mi opini�n ... pues muchas gracias y que sirva de algo ??.
Not much to say here except that they're silicone and they should work great. We'll test them out in the oven with some cookie dough and see how they hold up.
I like these so much I decided to order another set. I bought them to use two of the 7oz to take lunch for my dogs when they have to go to daycare, but I bought more to use to store leftovers for the humans in my life.
Tina Martin
Set of 3 stainless steel food pots. Perfect sizes for small bits and pieces of snacks. Helping to keep items such as nuts or maybe lemon slices fresher for longer. The lids fit nice and tightly . Personally I found them a little fidgety to get on properly because of arthritis but I did manage to secure them with a little patience. Good value for money. Very pleased with them.
Anatolij Fo
Nice, thick, no leak, no sharp edges, easy to store as they can be put one in to the other. Great for me to take some snacks portions to work. 5+
Simpatici, davvero. Sono costruiti con un bel materiale, l�acciaio, resistente e sicuramente altamente durevole. Il tappo invece � in Silicone e con uno spessore ed una qualit� notevole. Sicuramente riusciranno a mantenersi nel tempo. Hanno diverse dimensioni e sono utilissime in cucina per conservare gli avanzi e dato che hanno diverse capienze potrete conservare il cibo differenziandolo per bene. Vanno molto bene per una persona singola, per una coppia ma anche per pi� persone ma attenzione alle quantit�! Cercher� di farvi qualche foto nel dettaglio per farvi capire le loro possibilit�.Se vi ci ritrovate con la capienza, non posso che consigliarvele. Di sicuro la loro qualit� vi conquister�!Grazie per il tempo che ci avete dedicato ??
Let's get one thing straight first, I don't think we should call these containers "Lunch box" as I believe it is too small for lunch plus even though the silicone lids are very well made but I still wouldn't trust it in my Rucksack or if you are a lady then your lovely hand bag as if it's moved around it may leak.I do love this set of 3 containers: Small - 4oz/ 120ml; Medium - 7oz/ 200ml; Large - 14oz/ 400ml as they are build of a very good quality material which I know it's 18/8 Stainless Steel and food-grade Silicone which is leak-proof if not rattled around in a bag. Silicon lids are made of superior quality than what you buy as stretchy lids. They are easy to open & close water-tight lids.Containers are very versatile for my fridge as I keep left over food sealed and Stainless steel is odour free non toxic and rust proof. Very useful for condiments etc.I am very happy with the product and highly recommend it for small size containers in kitchen.
These are brilliant. Although smaller than I expected (I never measure before 1-clicking) they are very handy.As I have my granddaughter here quite a bit these are handy for putting nibbles such as fruit in it for her.Three containers with three different sizes. Each has their own lid. Quite light and easy to wash and dry.
Roberto S.
RECENSIONE TAVVA Earth Contenitori per Alimenti in Acciaio Inossidabile [Set di 5]A mia figlia piacciono i giochi tipo le matriosche, dove trovi lo stesso oggetto uno dentro l�altro fino a dimensioni minuscole.Questi contenitori hanno lo stesso sistema, UNO DENTRO L�ALTRO sempre pi� piccolo. Cosa comodissima nel momento in cui bisogna conservarli nell�armadietto in cucina perch� c�� un effettivo risparmio dello spazio.Il prodotto arriva ben confezionato e subito si nota la cura dei dettagli perch� ogni coperchio � protetto da una pellicola di plastica.LE DIMENSIONI: I contenitori hanno una forma tonda e partendo dal pi� grande ha un diametro di 15 cm e poi a scalare 13cm, 11 cm, 9cm e 7cm.MATERIALI: La qualit� costruttiva � ottima, senza plastica e sostanze tossiche. Ogni contenitore � fatto in ACCIAIO inossidabile resistente e ognuno ha TAPPO IN SILICONE alimentare robusto e colorato in modo diverso. Mi � capitato di riporre il sughetto che piace a mia figlia per andare a casa dei nonni e sbadatamente si � capovolto il contenitore nella borsa e non si � riversato nulla. Il tappo in silicone si chiude perfettamente, senza lasciare spazi, � assolutamente ermetico.Altri aspetti positivi: sono belli esteticamente, leggeri, pratici, comodi e si possono lavare in lavastoviglie.IDEALI PER I BAMBINI, ma utili secondo me anche per i grandi, in occasione di un viaggio, oppure per andare al mare, per una merenda per la scuola o per lavoro.Per me 5 stelle.
Weak Lemony Drink
The description says kids lunchbox but as a grown up i am enjoying my pots for snacks or meals.I love a good chilli or curry but I am forever staining plastic containers and no matter how much I wash them I always feel like they are still dirty.These stainless steel food pots are cute, easy to clean and are surprisingly good for portion controlled foods.I have been able to take chilli rice and some blueberries in my packed lunch.These, as you can imagine, are not microwaveable. However they hold their heat for a little while.The silicone lids I was a little dubious about, I didnt think they would be secure enough to be leakproof but they fit perfectly over the bowl and keep liquids in as they should.Not to mention they look so good at the side of your desk while you work.
Joe B
Great selection of sizes, lids fit well, metal finish is top notch. Nice alternative to the plastic tubs.
These are great. Three different sizes, leak-proof with secure, airtight silicone lids. No plastic at all. Dishwasher-proof and light, these make great containers for lunch boxes or keeping things fresh in the fridge.
I like these because they are sturdy,easy to use. Good product
Perfect addition to my soaping silicone molds. The stack and clean really easily plus they�re sturdy enough to keep their shape.
JOSE M. and family
En casa desde hace tiempo decidimos prescindir de todo el pl�stico posible por conciencia ecol�gica, estos tuppers precisamente destacan por eso, buena calidad y sobre todo una concienciaci�n especial sobre el medio ambiente. Realmente m�s que tuppers me han recordado las fiambreras met�licas de anta�o.El pack consta de 5 tuppers de aluminio con diferentes capacidades: Un tupper peque�o de 90ml, un tupper mediano de 200ml, un tupper grande de 350 ml, un tupper extra grande de 600ml y por �ltimo el de mayor capacidad de 800ml, haciendo un total de 2.040 ml.Realmente los dos peque�os son poco utilizables, el m�s peque�o de todos �nicamente lo veo para llevar salsas, condimentos, az�car, sal� o similar porque su capacidad es muy reducida. Los tres con m�s capacidad s� que son m�s vers�tiles y me parecen correctos.La calidad de los tuppers es muy buena, el aluminio se ve consistente y las tapas est�n fabricadas en silicona y cierran todas perfectamente, adem�s vienen con una especie de eco-relieve destacando la de mayor tama�o que es muy bonita. Un detalle que nos ha gustado es que son v�lidos para lavarlos en el lavavajillas, tambi�n que son apilables ocupando poco espacio guardados.Por desgracia, como todos los productos ecol�gicos, su precio no es barato, pero su calidad es muy alta, ya depende de cada cual valorar el sacrificio que quiere y puede hacer pro planeta, en nuestro caso le damos cinco estrellas, pero comprendemos que haya gente que le parezca un producto caro.
Molly M.
I like the Non-Stick Baking Cups Liners. I've tried the paper liners before for on-the-go egg cups and it was a mess and waste of my time. These liners are much easier to use for my eggs! I can take one with me when I'm going out the door and have it later, no mess! They clean up with minimal effort, and I don't need to worry about buying the paper liners over and over again. They look nice and work very well. I find them to be a good value for the quality and the fact that they are re-usable for many, many times.
Exactly what I wanted for bacon drippings. Perfect.
Father of dragons
Trabajo ma�ana y tarde y no me da tiempo a volver a casa a comer, asi que he pasado de usar una fiambrera de plastico a usar estos recipientes metalicos con tapa de silicona para traerme la comida al trabajo.Cierran hermeticamente y con mucha facildiad, y a la hora de limpiarlos, puedes hacerlo con un pa�o humedo o incluso en el lavavajillas, asegurandote de secarlo bien, pues pese a que es acero inoxidable, a mi siempre me gusta secar esto bien para evitar que se pueda estropear con el tiempo.En total son 5 recipientes que cuando no estan en uso se almacenan todos dentro del grande, lo cual ahorra bastante espacio.
Ho visto questo set di contenitori nella sezione Vine di Amazon e ho voluto provarli.Parto col dire che sono cuoco, quindi non solo a lavoro ma soprattutto a casa la mia dispensa dei contenitori in plastica � sempre stracolma.Per� questa volta ho voluto testare questi contenitori in acciaio inox con coperchio in silicone.La prima parola che mi viene in mente � "Allegria". I coperchi sono a tema natura e con dei colori davvero fantastici e che resistono alla lavastoviglie. Si vanno ad incastrare ermeticamente sui contenitori e, se permettete bene al centro, andrete a creare un piccolo sottovuoto.I contenitori sono davvero resistenti, con uno spessore importante che serve anche a dissipare il calore se mettete all'interno alimenti che avete appena finito di cucinare. Le taglie sono varie e possono essere riposti serenamente uno dentro l'altro a mo' di matrioska.Provato anche per portare degli alimenti in giro, nessun problema di perdite e non dovrete pi� temere rotture dei contenitori (cosa che spesso mi succedeva con i classici in plastica).Concludo invitandovi calorosamente a provarli. Mi hanno fatto davvero ricredere e buttare via un po' di vecchi contenitori, nella differenziata ovviamente, per lasciare posto ad altri prodotti di questa serie che andr� sicuramente ad acquistare!
?Marty y Jennifer McFly?
Es un set de 5 envases de distintos tama�o que vienen muy bien presentados en una cajita muy mona, una vez abierta, nos encontramos los recipientes uno dentro de otro protegidos entre s� con papel, de esta manera ocupan muy poco. �stos son ecol�gicos en su totalidad, tanto la caja en la que vienen como los materiales de los tupper, los cuales son reciclables, sin pl�sticos y no son t�xicos.Los 5 recipientes son de acero inoxidable, con lo cual estamos seguros que no van a quedarse con ning�n olor pegado, la tapa es de silicona de grado alimenticio y en general no pesan nada, personalmente me gusta mucho el dise�o de las tapas, les da un toque diferente y divertido, y lo mejor es que se puedan guardar uno dentro de otro sin ocuparte apenas espacio. Son tama�os diferentes aunque los dos peque�os no son muy pr�cticos ya que no tienen apenas capacidad, los veo m�s como para meter alguna salsa, y en poco cantidad, semillas o frutos secos. Cierran muy bien, as� que no vas a tenerproblemas de fugas, adem�s son f�ciles de limpiar, y se pueden meter sin ning�n problema en el lavavajillas.Como primer punto negativo pondr�a el precio, pero est� claro que no estamos ante los t�picos recipientes de pl�stico o de cristal, el material del que est�n hechos encarece el producto, eso si, nos aseguramos que vamos a tener tuppers para muchos a�os.Y como segundo punto negativo, es que al ser met�licos, no vamos a poner calentarlos en el microondas. Si estamos en casa no ser� problema, pero si los queremos utilizar para llevar al trabajo, si que vamos a tener que buscar otro recipiente para calentarlos.
Angy & Manu
Questi contenitori nascono come porta pranzo, ma possono essere utilizzati tranquillamente ogni volta che si deve conservare una piccola quantit� di cibo.IL MIO VOTO COMPLESSIVO:li ho trovati ben fatti, il mio voto � 7/10.IL PACKAGING:la confezione � in cartone colorato, al suo interno 5 ciotole con altrettanti coperchi tutti inseriti uno nell�altro.ESTETICA DEL PRODOTTO E MATERIALI:i contenitori sono in acciaio inox mentre i coperchi sono in silicone, sulla confezione � indicato che si tratta di materiali plastic free.I diametri delle ciotole sono 6/8/10/12/14 cm, i coperchi sono tutti con colori allegri e vivaci e aderiscono perfettamente alle ciotole evitando la fuoriuscita del contenuto.PECULIARITA�:- lavabili in lavastoviglie;- utilizzabili nel forno;- occupano pochissimo spazio;- sono molto leggeri.CRITICITA�/DIFETTI:Non � presente alcuna marcatura CE.RAPPORTO QUALITA�/PREZZO:questo prodotto ha tanti punti di forza ed � anche fatto molto bene, ma credo che il prezzo � un po� eccessivo.
Hubba Bubba
I ordered these silicone cupcake liners because I wanted a convenient way to make keto peanut butter cups that actually looked good.These worked great for my purpose.I placed these in the freezer before adding my chocolate and then repeated that a second time. Then I added the peanut butter filling and more chocolate on top.These were then frozen for a few hours.The treats came out of the silicone molds without any problems, and the ridges on the sides made the cups look perfect.The molds washed up clean in the sink with warm water and are now ready for my next batch.The only thing I wish is that there were more of the silicone molds in the box, but these are worth the price.
Se trata de un juego de 5 tuppers que tienen las siguientes medidas: 90 ml, 200 ml, 350 ml, 600 ml y 800 ml.Est�n realizados en acero inoxidable y su tapadera es de silicona de grado alimentario y flexible, que se adapta perfectamente para evitar fugas.Son f�ciles de abrir lo que los hace muy interesantes para que los ni�os lo puedan llevar en su mochila para llevar el desayuno para el recreo.Su diverso colorido llama la atenci�n de ni�os y mayores, converti�ndose en unos tuppers muy divertidos.Est�n realizados con materiales reutilizables, sin pl�stico y no t�xicos. Comprometidos con el medioambiente, como as� lo indica la caja con un dibujo de nuestro planeta para que tomemos conciencia de c�mo actuamos ymodifiquemos nuestro comportamiento a la hora de comprar los productos.Los recomiendo 100%, porque me parecen unos envases muy saludables para una mejor conservaci�n de los alimentos, evitando el pl�stico. Adem�s, permiten meterse unos dentro de otros por lo que el espacio que ocupan es m�nimo.
These cupcake molds fit well into regular muffin baking pan. First time I treated them with a coating of olive oil, and the cupcakes came out like a dream. The washing was easy, still needed to wash every crease but they turned all right.
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. �?? PUNTOS POSITIVOS?? Saludables porque son de acero inoxidable de calidad (18/8). En mi casa no solemos usar tuppers o botellas de pl�stico, as� que los recipientes suelen ser de cristal, excepto cuando nos vamos al monte o para el trabajo/colegio, que usamos de pl�stico porque el cristal pesa mucho. Nunca hab�a tenido la oportunidad de probar o tener unos de acero y ha sido un gran descubrimiento porque pesan mucho menos y son igual de saludables que los de cristal. Por fin nos quitamos del pl�stico, que no nos hace mucha gracia.?? Las tapas son de silicona, por tanto no tienen pl�stico y tampoco BPA ni nada por el estilo. Estas tapas son m�s saludables y contaminan menos tanto en su proceso de fabricaci�n como de reutilizaci�n en las plantas de reciclaje.?? Vienen cinco tama�os muy pr�cticos que dan respuesta a las necesidades m�s importantes que se suelen tener a la hora de comer o picar algo. Por ejemplo, el peque�ito que parece demasiado peque�o, viene muy bien para llevar unos frutos secos.?? Son muy ligeros. Me ha llamado mucho la atenci�n porque en casa usamos todos botellas de acero y suelen pesar bastante, aunque puede ser porque son t�rmicas.He echado foto del peso de cada uno de ellos para que ve�is lo ligeros que son y eso los hace muy pr�cticos como recipientes saludables para usar fuera de casa.?? Al caerse no son un peligro como el cristal. Supongo que se acabar�an abollando, aunque a nosotros se nos ha ca�do ya alguno al suelo y no le ha pasado nada. De todas formas es mucho m�s peligroso si se cae uno de cristal.?? El cierre es bastante bueno. Cuesta un poco cerrarlos porque te tienes que asegurar que la goma se haya cerrado bien por todos los lados, pero eso es lo que hace que luego no se salgan las cosas. No hemos probado a llevar comida con mucho l�quido porque, por muy bien que cierren, no son como los que tienen las pesta�as esas que se cierran fuerte y que te garantizan que no se abran. S� que hemos llevado frutas que desprend�an su jugo o comida con algo de salsa como unos macarrones con tomate o as� y no hemos tenido problema.Por otro lado, si lo tienen que usar ni�os, no van a tener problemas para abrirlos. Esto es importante porque a veces los mandamos al cole o por ah� con recipientes que no pueden abrir y esto les permite ser m�s aut�nomos, aunque si no se comen todo, hay que ense�arles a que se aseguren de cerrarlos bien.??Se pueden lavar en el lavavajillas y se quedan muy bien, adem�s las tapas cierran igual de bien.?? Son apilables y esto es un plus en cualquier cocina porque hay que rentabilizar el espacio. Algunos me vinieron con manchitas en las tapas, pero parece que es del roce del acero, al lavarlo se quit�.?? Las tapas tienen un dise�o llamativo que le da un toque alegre a los recipientes.?? La empresa parece estar concienciada con el medio ambiente y el reciclaje porque no hay un solo pl�stico en la envoltura, usan papeles y me parece importante que las empresas realmente se comprometan con estas cosas.?? PUNTOS NEGATIVOS? Este tipo de materiales suelen ser m�s caros y hace que el precio sea significativamente mayor que el de los recipientes de pl�stico e incluso que los de cristal.En mi opini�n, son una inversi�n que merece la pena para quien suela llevar alimentos fuera de casa (en casa cristal es m�s rentable) porque son unos tuppers mucho m�s saludables que los de pl�stico, pesan muy poco, ocupan muy poco espacio, se pueden meter unos dentro de otros incluso una vez usados y, si se cuidan, son para toda la vida, a la larga ni te acordar�s de esos euros de m�s y habr�s disfrutado de ellos.
Si tratta di contenitore per alimenti realizzati in acciaio. L'acciaio non � molto spesso ma quanto basta per far si che siano resistenti e non troppo pesanti.Prendono pochissimo spazio in quanto si possono riporre l'uno dentro l'altro, essendo di dimensioni crescenti.I coperchi in silicone sono a tenuta stagna, aderiscono perfettamente.Si possono lavare in lavastoviglie, si possono tenere in frigo e nel congelatore.NON si possono mettere in microonde essendo di metallo.Adatti per cibi caldi e freddi.Ottima alternativa ai contenitori in plastica (inquinanti) o vetro (fragili).
Peggy Bowes
My family is doing the keto diet, and we often make fat bombs to help with our dessert cravings (lots of great recipes online), so I ordered these primarily to make this treat. It works very well for that use, but I have also found that they can be used in place of paper or foil cupcake liners and for mini tarts. In fact, my daughter made pumpkin pie tarts by pressing pie dough into the liner and adding the pumpkin filling. She baked them, and when the cooled, the liner peeled right off without any crust left behind. They are easily cleaned in the dishwasher top rack. The colors are bright and fun. These are a great addition to our kitchen.
Una valida ecologia e duratura soluzione per la conservazione del cibo!?? La scatola con cui vengono consegnati mette gi� allegria , � molto ben fatta, si vede che c'� uno studio dietro.I contenitori all'interno sono tutti separati da cartine in modo da proteggerli fra loro (bravi ??)All'interno ci sono 5 contenitori in acciaio con coperchi in silicone a prova di perdita :Small - 3oz / 90ml; Medio - 7 once / 200 ml; Grande - 12 once / 350 ml; X-Large - 20oz / 600ml; XX-Large - 26oz / 800mlMateriali riutilizzabili, privi di plastica e non tossici. Impermeabili e facili da aprire e chiudere??CONTENITORIIO sono una "contenitore dipendente" ne ho di tutti i tipi e di tutte le forme , di plastica di vetro, ma di acciaio finora mai.LI trovo meravigliosi, pratici , igienici , versatili e a prova di fame di bambinoI coperchi in silicone non sono lisci ma hanno una struttura bidimensionale, stupenda per i bambini piccoli.??Sono IMPILABILI e li INSERITE TUTTI IN UNO quando li conservate! OTTIMO ??L'unico neo � forse la capienza perch� sono adatti sono per una porzione , al massimo 2??CONCLUSIONISTRACONSIGLIATI PER CHI HA BAMBINI PICCOLI ....ma anche per gli adulti che hanno un'attenzione all'ambiente e ai materiali che durano nel tempo.Spero che la mia recensione sia stata utile ??
Desy & Edo
Confezione contenente 5 contenitori in acciaio inossidabile 18/8 con coperchio in silicone alimentare con chiusura ermetica.Le dimensioni di queste ciotole sono piuttosto piccole ma perfette per riporre al loro interno diversi alimenti.Sono lavabili facilmente ed � possibile inserirli anche in lavastoviglie.Molto leggeri sono adatti anche per portare il pranzo a lavoro. I coperchi hanno tutti colori differenti con disegni in rilievo tutti diversi che richiamano alle immagini della natura con la terra, le foglie e i germogli.E' ormai diverso tempo che ho smesso di utilizzare prodotti usa e getta e ammetto che le ciotole in acciaio le preferisco rispetto a quelle in plastica rigida, si puliscono meglio e aggiungendo un po' di aceto durante il lavaggio brillano. Il fatto che ci siano anche ciotole piccole � un bene, infatti ho utilizzato quella pi� piccola per riporre in sicurezza il tonno che non consumo nel panino e che lasciato nella sua confezione originale potrebbe essere pericoloso.In conclusione sono prodotti di qualit� e li consiglio nonostante il costo sia piuttosto elevato. I coperchi inoltre potrebbero essere utilizzati anche come stampo per biscotti.
Steve W.
It�s funny that I have seen these silicone muffin cups around for a while, but never gave a thought to getting them. Now that I have gotten them and tried them out, I wish I had gotten them long ago.Not only have I used these to make cupcakes, for which they worked well, but I also used them to make breakfast cups with egg, cheese, potatoes, and sausage or bacon � and they worked great for those. Breakfast cup are always a little too oily for paper cups and they are too hot to handle when I reheat them in the microwave at work � these silicone cups solve both problems. No oil leaks and I can easily handle them right out of the microwave.Clean-up is super easy on these because nothing sticks to them. I just spray a little diluted dish soap on them, wipe with a sponge or paper towel, and rinse them. Literally less than 10 seconds.Now that I have tried these and discovered how much I like them; I want to get the larger muffin size.
Peter Weyland
Can I be honest with you? I'm not a fan of silicone bakeware. Not because it doesn't do a good job. It's just that I'm very traditional when it comes to baking. What worked for my parents, and their parents, it works for me. A muffin pan greased down, or cupcake liners, it works. So I was reluctant to get these in the first place. But I have to admit, I've been pleasantly surprised.They work well. No sticking, no muss, no fuss. Doesn't seem to affect the end result. For me, one of the biggest benefits is not going through the motions of having to order cupcake liners anymore. It never fails that when we decide to make cupcakes, we realize that we're out. So what do you do? You have to run to the store. And I don't know if it's just a bad luck thing, but they always seem to be out of cupcake liners. ESPECIALLY around the holidays. TAVVA solved that problem. You don't have to worry about buying liners anymore.Any negatives? Not really, although there are two things to consider in advance. The first is that these baking cups don't fit perfectly in a standard muffin pan. They're slightly smaller. This hasn't really affected how our cupcakes or muffins came out. But you will get slightly smaller cupcakes. The other issue is that some people may want pretty or decorative liners to remain on for some cupcakes. There's something satisfying about peeling a liner back. Having something open to collect crumbs as you nibble on your cupcake. Or just for presentation purposes. So these seem to be a bit more practical for enjoying what you've baked at home. If you're making cupcakes to give out for a special occasion, you may have to take that into consideration.For the most part, we like them. Easy to use. Easy to clean. Saves you money on liners, or even having to go through the trouble of buying them every so often. Whether you still decide to use regular liners in the future, these would make a good addition to any kitchen.
I like to do a lot of baking-cupcakes, muffins, brownies, anything that can be baked into cupcake/muffin liners. I go through so many liners and my kids often find their way into my cupboards and "bake" using my liners, causing me to run out of them without knowing it. These liners are fantastic and have saved me a lot of time and headaches because they are reusable, and even if my kids "bake" with them, all I have to do is wash and dry them and they're set for me to use. They are far easier to remove than paper liners and slide out very easily, minimizing accidental burns. I have wanted reusable liners for a very long time and am glad that I finally got them.
Atlantic Star
Set di 5 contenitori in acciaio inox 18/8 con tappo in morbido silicone alimentare.Contenitori salvaspazio, adatti sia da mettere in frigo che in congelatore (NO microonde)La chiusura del tappo � perfetta, non fuoriesce liquido in quanto il tappo in silicone sui bordi ha delle profonde scanalature. Colorati e robustissimi, in questo modo evitate di conservare il cibo nella plastica.Leggeri, resistenti, Facilissimi da aprire/chiudere- 1 contenitore 6cm di diametro e 4cm di altezza (volume 90ml)- 1 contenitore 8cm di diametro e 4.9cm di altezza (volume 200ml)- 1 contenitore 10cm di diametro e 5.5cm di altezza (volume 350ml)- 1 contenitore 12cm di diametro e 6.4cm di altezza (volume 600ml)- 1 contenitore 14cm di diametro e 7.6cm di altezza (volume 800ml
He adquirido estos recipientes para almacenar alimentos de la marca TAVVA Earth. Se trata de un producto presente en el cat�logo de amazon desde octubre 2020.?? Contenido paquete. El producto llega en una caja de cart�n sin precintar recubierto en papel para que no sufra ara�ados durante el transporte. A la hora de desembalarlo nos encontramos con 5 envases con forma redonda y de diferentes tama�os, que encajan entre s� a modo de matrioskas para facilitarnos su almacenamiento cuando no le estemos dando uso:?? 1 envase (tapa ??) con unas ?? Dimensiones de:[Longitud: 6 cm] � [Ancho: 6 cm] � [Altura: 4 cm] con un volumen aproximado de 90 ml y un peso ?? de 47 gramos.?? 1 envase (tapa roja-anaranjada) con unas ?? Dimensiones de:[Longitud: 8 cm] � [Ancho: 8 cm] � [Altura: 4.9 cm] con un volumen aproximado de 200 ml y un peso ?? de 69 gramos.?? 1 envase (tapa ??) con unas ?? Dimensiones de:[Longitud: 10 cm] � [Ancho: 10 cm] � [Altura: 5.5 cm] con un volumen aproximado de 350 ml y un peso ?? de 98 gramos.?? 1 envase (tapa ??) con unas ?? Dimensiones de:[Longitud: 12 cm] � [Ancho: 12 cm] � [Altura: 6.4 cm] con un volumen aproximado de 600 ml y un peso ?? de 141 gramos.?? 1 envase (tapa ??) con unas ?? Dimensiones de:[Longitud: 14 cm] � [Ancho: 14 cm] � [Altura: 7.6 cm] con un volumen aproximado de 800 ml y un peso ?? de 195 gramos.? Por tanto, se trata de un set que se caracteriza por ser muy liviano y que no destaca especialmente por contener envases de gran tama�o lo que va a limitar su capacidad de almacenamiento. Los 2 primeros pueden ser aptos para guardar alguna salsa por ejemplo mientras que los otros 3 s� que pueden utilizarse para contener un plato o raci�n algo mayor.Los envases est�n fabricados ?? en acero inoxidable 18/8 de buena calidad. Las tapas, por su parte, de silicona de grado alimenticio en diferentes colores con una estupenda capacidad a la hora de garantizar un buen sellado herm�tico, gracias a que los bordes met�licos de los envases se insertan e integran en la junta de silicona de forma adecuada. El rendimiento en este sentido es estupendo, nada que objetar. Recomendable.�? Espero que las fotos ?? y comentarios ?? os hayan sido ?? �tiles ?? ?. Un Saludo ? ??
Atlantic Star
Set di 5 contenitori in acciaio inox 18/8 con tappo in morbido silicone alimentare.Contenitori salvaspazio, adatti sia da mettere in frigo che in congelatore (NO microonde)La chiusura del tappo � perfetta, non fuoriesce liquido in quanto il tappo in silicone sui bordi ha delle profonde scanalature. Colorati e robustissimi, in questo modo evitate di conservare il cibo nella plastica.Leggeri, resistenti, Facilissimi da aprire/chiudere- 1 contenitore 6cm di diametro e 4cm di altezza (volume 90ml)- 1 contenitore 8cm di diametro e 4.9cm di altezza (volume 200ml)- 1 contenitore 10cm di diametro e 5.5cm di altezza (volume 350ml)- 1 contenitore 12cm di diametro e 6.4cm di altezza (volume 600ml)- 1 contenitore 14cm di diametro e 7.6cm di altezza (volume 800ml
P. Costello
These are great for baking. So easy to pop in the cupcake pans, so easy to clean up after baking (only a few crumbs on ours). The colors are nice and the kids like them. I can't believe we were still using paper after these had been on the market. Thumbs way up!
Katherine M.
When I first opened these I was worried they�d be too small but they fit perfectly in my muffin pan. The colors are bright and fun. These feel thick and durable so I think they are well made. They are great of course for muffins and cupcakes but we also love them for packing lunches. The cups released easily after spraying with baking spray but there was some residue left behind. They washed clean very easily.
M � Del Carmen Garrido Sanchez
Recipientes de almacenamiento TAVVA Earth en acero inoxidable que incluye cinco recipientes en acero con sus correspondientes tapas en silicona.Pack de cinco recipientes fabricados en acero inoxidable en distintos tama�os y f�ciles de almacenar ya que se pueden meter uno dentro de otro y as� tenerlos todos guardados en uno solo, el m�s grande. Sus capacidades en ml son:-Peque�o 90ml.-Medio 200ml.-Grande 350ml.-Extra grande 600ml.-XXGrande 800ml.Sus tapas est�n fabricadas en silicona de grado alimenticio, son 100% a prueba de fugas y f�ciles de abrir y cerrar. Fabricados con materiales reciclables, sin pl�stico y no t�xicos. Sus tapas son totalmente herm�ticas, impidiendo derrames.Pueden lavarse a mano o en lavavajillas sin problemas. Son muy �tiles, pr�cticas y un art�culo de esos que no pueden faltar en casa. Siempre vienen muy bien este tipo de recipientes para guardar restos de comida o incluso para mis hijas, para que las lleven al colegio con el desayuno.Me han gustado mucho por su utilidad, funcionalidad y calidad. El cierre herm�tico de sus tapas es un punto muy a favor de estos recipientes. Los recomiendo sin duda.Relaci�n calidad/precio quiz�s algo cara, pero hay que tener en cuenta que est�n fabricados con materiales reciclados y que son recipientes que no contaminan el medio ambiente.Espero que mi valoraci�n del art�culo sea �til para resolver tus dudas. ??
Works perfectly for lunch. Leakproof, handy sizes.
Es un set de recipientes de calidad muy bien construidos en acero inoxidable con tapas de silicona libre de t�xicos. Las tapas encajan y sellan muy bien, por lo que una vez puestas, se pueden transportar sin miedo a derrames.Son muy pr�cticos para guardar alimentos en la nevera o en la despensa y tambi�n para transportarlos. No son complicados de abrir y se limpian f�cilmente.Vienen en cinco tama�os (90ml, 200ml, 350ml, 600ml, y 800ml) y se pueden almacenar uno dentro de otro por lo que ocupan poco espacio. Los m�s peque�os los veo adecuados para hierbas, aderezos, salsas o frutos secos.El �nico inconveniente es que al ser met�licos no se pueden calentar en el microondas.Me gustan m�s que los recipientes de pl�stico que se acaban manchando y deteriorando con el tiempo.
M � Del Carmen Garrido Sanchez
Recipientes de almacenamiento TAVVA Earth en acero inoxidable que incluye cinco recipientes en acero con sus correspondientes tapas en silicona.Pack de cinco recipientes fabricados en acero inoxidable en distintos tama�os y f�ciles de almacenar ya que se pueden meter uno dentro de otro y as� tenerlos todos guardados en uno solo, el m�s grande. Sus capacidades en ml son:-Peque�o 90ml.-Medio 200ml.-Grande 350ml.-Extra grande 600ml.-XXGrande 800ml.Sus tapas est�n fabricadas en silicona de grado alimenticio, son 100% a prueba de fugas y f�ciles de abrir y cerrar. Fabricados con materiales reciclables, sin pl�stico y no t�xicos. Sus tapas son totalmente herm�ticas, impidiendo derrames.Pueden lavarse a mano o en lavavajillas sin problemas. Son muy �tiles, pr�cticas y un art�culo de esos que no pueden faltar en casa. Siempre vienen muy bien este tipo de recipientes para guardar restos de comida o incluso para mis hijas, para que las lleven al colegio con el desayuno.Me han gustado mucho por su utilidad, funcionalidad y calidad. El cierre herm�tico de sus tapas es un punto muy a favor de estos recipientes. Los recomiendo sin duda.Relaci�n calidad/precio quiz�s algo cara, pero hay que tener en cuenta que est�n fabricados con materiales reciclados y que son recipientes que no contaminan el medio ambiente.Espero que mi valoraci�n del art�culo sea �til para resolver tus dudas. ??
?? Juan Antonio ??
Es un pack de 5 recipientes para almacenar alimentos en diferentes tama�os:- el m�s grande con capacidad de 800ml. y tapa de color verde.- uno de 600ml. Con tapa amarilla.- uno de 350ml. Y tapa de color naranja claro.- uno de 200ml. Y tapa naranja fuerte.- el m�s peque�o de 90ml. Con tapa de color rojo.Son de acero inoxidable de alta calidad con tapa de silicona que se ajusta perfectamente y a prueba de fugas.Son f�ciles de abrir y cerrar y los podemos guardar uno dentro del otro ocupando as� muy poco espacio en el armario.Son vers�tiles, los podemos usar como recipiente para llevar alimentos al trabajo, colegio...como para almacenar en la nevera.Son muy pr�cticos y no pesan demasiado.No absorben olores ni sabores de otros alimentos.A veces uso el m�s grande para almacenar alguna porci�n que me ha sobrado de alimentos cocinados y cuando quiero calentarlos para consumir, pasan de la nevera al horno directamente en el mismo recipiente sin la tapa claro.Son muy f�ciles de limpiar, yo los meto en el lavavajillas y salen perfectos.Adem�s, son reutilizables y reciclables ayudando as� al cuidado del medio ambiente.
Este set de tuppers es simplemente estupendo. Con sus 5 medidas siempre encontraras el recipiente que necesites para cada uso. Para que os hag�is una idea, los 2 recipientes m�s grandes, pueden ser perfectos para poner un plato de comida de una persona adulta. Los peque�os son ideales para postres, frutos secos, quesos, panecillos, etc�tera.Son �nicamente 2 piezas. La parte inferior es el recipiente de acero inoxidable con un reborde en su parte m�s alta. La tapa es de silicona, libre de pl�stico, y tiene una leng�eta para una apertura m�s f�cil. S� est�is pensando adquirir estos tuppers para el uso con ni�os, deb�is de saber, que ellos lo abren muy f�cilmente, pero para cerrarlo, necesitar�n ayuda, sobre todo los m�s peque�os.Otra ventaja de este producto, es que tanto las partes de acero inoxidable, como las partes de silicona, encajan entre s�, por lo que ocupan muy poco espacioLa calidad de fabricaci�n, los materiales, y los acabados son perfectos. He de decir, que me ha sorprendido, que est�n fabricados en China. El dise�o es muy bonito y alegre. Perfecto para ni�os y adultos.S� bien el producto puede parecer de precio elevado, cuando lo recibes te das cuenta de que es de gran calidad. Vale lo que cuesta.
Well, when I got this the product was called silicon muffin pan liners. Now it�s called 1.05oz salad dressing container. I don�t know how that works.But I did get both, they came together.The muffin liners were perfect. Easy to fill, left my almond-flour cupcakes in perfect little cupcake shapes. Washed in the dishwasher.The little dressing container is useful for keeping little bits of sauce or ground herbs.
Los recipientes son muy bonitos, de acero inoxidable, con la tapa de silicona.Vienen 5 tama�os distintos:-6 cm de di�metro, 90 ml, tapa roja-8 cm de di�metro 200 ml, tapa naranja oscuro-10 cm de di�metro, 320 ml, tapa naranja claro- 12 cm de di�metro, 600 ml, tapa amarilla- 14 cm de di�metro, 800 ml, tapa verdeLas tapas est�n blandas, son f�ciles de abrir, pero cierran herm�ticas.Aunque son met�licas no huelen nada, pueden lavarse en el lavavajillas, y el dise�o es muy bonito.Me han gustado mucho, buena calidad, poco peso y variedad de tama�os.
I absolutely love their products- the steel isn't cheap, and the silicone lid fits on well enough to make the little tin leakproof. Bonus silicone cupcake holders are great. Bought this product for my sons Bento box and it's been a huge help.
Emily E
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. �This set of 12 silicone baking cups work great for muffins, eggs or other treats! I love using them for eggs. They are just big enough to hold 1 large eggs each. So if you plan to add other ingredients then use smaller size eggs. They release super easy and they are easy to hand wash. They hold their shape well but are very flexible. Even though they are dishwasher safe, they are so light that they flip over during the wash and you will find them full of water. So I'm going to stick with hand washing. I'm do excited about the many uses for these and will never need to buy muffin liners again!
This is a nice set of containers that looks exactly as shown on Amazon; they are brightly colored, and made from nice stainless steel. The lids are easy to put on and off, yet stay firmly in place. There have been no issues with leaking even months after first use!The set easily fits inside the larger sized piece, so these are great for small spaces, too.The packaging is really nice, and these would be a great gift for any eco-friendly enthusiast.Overall, a good find! These will last a long time!
No comment
Eric K.
I ordered these silicone baking cups for a friend of mine whose dog recently ate one of their silicone cups. Three days later it was restored to them, but I thought they could use a new set. I like this set a lot. The colors of the cups are patriotic and very vibrant. The red/white/blue colors are great for occasions like birthdays, July 4th, Memorial Day, etc. You can even take out the blue ones and use the red and white ones for Christmas...or conversely, take out the red and use the blue and white for Hanukkah.They work well and are reusable, taking the place of paper or foil cup liners. They don't stick to muffins or cupcakes and wash easily after use.
Juliana Marques
Great quality and beautiful colours. Easy to my daughter open at school and to bring snacks around.
Purchased for jr kindergarden. No leaks, dishwasher safe and easy for her to open. Nice colours too! Pricey but worh it. Sizes are appropriate for her snacks and lunches.
Amy Miller
I should have tried these silicone cupcake/muffin liners ages ago. I usually end up wanting to make muffins in the morning, and then I forget that I don't have liners and I'll have to go to the store to get some. Now I don't have that worry. These liners work great, and it's easy to stack and store them. I always have liners on hand now!
Got these 3 kids lunch box tin, together with larger rectangular one and they are all really good quality and much better than the usual all plastic ones. The only downside being that you can�t use it in the microwave, but it can go in the oven and dishwasher.You get 3 different sizes, 12oz, 7oz and 3oz and the bases are made from a sturdy stainless steel, very shiny and easy to wash. The lids are made from silicone and create a perfect seal on the tin, to ensure that it doesn�t leak at all. They are very easy to clean. My kids are now using these to go into their lunchboxes when they go to school.The non-toxic silicone lid and lightweight stainless steel 18/8 type container are free of chemicals like BPA, BPS and phthalates commonly found in plastic. They are also reusable, recyclable and eco-friendly.At �29.73, these lunchboxes are far from being cheap, but looks to be on par with similar products.I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative and useful.
Guia P
I like this set of boxes. I find them easy to clean and much more hygienic than plastic, and less dangerous to carry compared to glass. Good sizes, useful around the kitchen / school meals and pic-nics.
Got this lunch box tin, together with 3 round storage pots and they are all really good quality and much better than the usual all plastic ones. The only downside being that you can�t use it in the microwave, but it can go in the oven and dishwasher.The 650g (approx.) base is made from stainless steel, very shiny and easy to wash. The smart blue lid is made from silicone and creates a perfect seal on the tin, to ensure that it doesn�t leak at all. It�s also very easy to clean. My wife is now using this as her �go to� lunchbox when she goes to work.The non-toxic silicone lid and lightweight stainless steel 18/8 type container are free of chemicals like BPA, BPS and phthalates commonly found in plastic. They are also reusable, recyclable and eco-friendly.At �25.45, this lunchbox tin is far from being cheap, but looks to be on par with similar products.I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative and useful.
I use silicone cupcake molds not for baking as much as to freezing sauces, broths, tomatoes and anything else I need to. Each cup holds about 1/4 cup of liquid. After they are frozen, they pop easily from the cup and I pop them in a bag. I can take them out of the freezer and pop them in any recipe that I need them for. I use the tiny cupcake silicone molds for 1 Tablespoon servings.Baking with them- I like them more for muffins than cupcakes. For cupcakes, I prefer the traditional paper cupcake liners in a cupcake pan over the silicone. I feel that they turn out better in regular cupcake papers with the typical cupcake pan.Though they wash well, I do not put them in the dishwasher. The silicone can absorb any scented dishwasher tablets.I like the red, white and blue colors of these. Very patriotic. They are the same thickness of my older ones.In choosing these, I do find listing BPA free and food safe to be important. I like they are reusable. It is nice to always have on hand either for freezing or baking. I am constantly using them to freeze things. It is always nice when I do go for cupcake papers and I have none, it is ok. I have silicone cupcake molds. If only I could have such backups for when I discover I have no birthday candles!
P�tit Zebra
I love this 7 oz. stainless steel container from Tavva! It�s the perfect size for a serving of nuts or dried fruit, and can also accommodate liquids without spilling.I thought it was a little expensive at first, but after seeing the quality of this container I would definitely get more, I don�t foresee any issues with the lid.I would definitely recommend this container and any others from Tavva.
Debbra Larney
This is a superior option for yogurt and other items in my grandsons lunch. Love it and easy for a child to open and close.
Daphney Fleurant-Fortin
Don't hesitate buy them alreadygreat quality100%leakprooflightweighta little small though
These are so fun for my meal planning. I will have to buy more salad dressing containers. They don�t leak and keep things nicely. The little muffin cups are great in my bento. I haven�t baked with them.
This 26 oz steel lunch container from TAVVA was much smaller than I had anticipated, but is actually a really useful size. I have been making great use of this for leftovers or for taking on the go. I often bring this when I need something for my children to eat when we are out of the house. The stainless steel bowl is nice and sturdy, not too thin like some other containers I've used in the past. What makes this truly great though is the silicone lid, it takes plastic out of the equation - which I'm always happy to do. The lid fits perfectly on the stainless steel bowl and is very secure - I haven't had any leaking issues. It washes up beautifully, I just toss it in the top rack of the dishwasher. I'm really happy with this lunch container from TAVVA and highly recommend it!
These are great little pots which are a fabulous alternative to using plastic. They are great for snacks and packed lunches and don�t leak. Easy to clean too. Very happy - they should last a long time.
Cowgirl BC
I love that this dish is food grade stainless steel which can go into the dishwasher & get 100% clean. Also really love that the lid is blue & Not plastic, it is Silicone, so I can clean it 100% both safe & healthy to use for my family & guests. Purchased to serve snacks on my patio, but now hoping to buy more for dips & food storage. Also wish that Tavva can produce a few more larger sizes of bowls & variety of rectangle shapes for my food storage in near future. I have little to none plastic in my cupboards & never liked using plastic with foods. These are perfect! Thank you for caring!
Tim and Wendy
Big enough in size to keep your packed lunch in or adult sized snacks.Keeps food fresh and cold and it is leak proofEasy to clean and store when out and about .Would recommend these over the plastic ones
Tim and Wendy
I currently use these stainless steel lunch boxes to put snacks in for my children for nursery.I cut up their fruit and veg and leave them in the fridge over night ready for the next day .Due to them being stainless steel it helps to keep their chopped up fruit and veg cold and fresh .Really easy to open and reseal as well as to clean .
I'm so pleased with these stainless steel food tubs, they are so much better than plastic and are very well made. There easy to clean, can be used for hot or cold food and the lids fit perfectly. Definitely going to purchase more.
These food storage containers are excellent, much better than plastic. The stainless steel is solid and the silicone lid fits on perfectly. Being stainless steel you can use them to store both hot and cold food. Definitely going to purchase more in this range as there good value for the quality. Very happy
Tavva SnackThe Tavva Snack is packaged neatly and comes in three different sized pieces which is handy for breakfast and snacks on the go.The three pieces can stack inside of each other so when I�m not using them they fit neatly in my cupboard and take up no room.I was worried that liquids such as yoghurt would leak from the containers, but I�ve been reallyimpressed with how secure the containers are once sealed.Washing the containers is easy, I put mine in the dishwasher at home and haven�t seen any deterioration as a result of doing this. At work I wash them by hand and this is also quick and easy to do.I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to take snacks on the go, they�ve helped me to save money, and because they�re stainless steel and reusable great for the environment too
The Tavva lunchboxThe Tavva lunchbox comes neatly wrapped in crape paper and is well presented. Because it�s stainless steel it has a real retro look and feel to it.The box is durable, I�ve popped it in my bag with my laptop and books and it has only minor blemishes ive had no dents or scratches which is a miracle given how much stuff I have in my bag.The size of the box is a bit on the small size for me as I like to have a big lunch so I don�t need to eat much in the evening. However I think for kids and most adults the size is fine.Sealing the Tavva lunchbox can be fiddly when you use it for the first few times, but I found that eventually it wore itself in nicely. I�ve not had to worry about anything leaking from the box.If you like a big lunch this might not be for you, but I would say the box would be a good fit for most people and would happily recommend this as a great environmentally sound way of packing lunches.
Mike Nelson
The set of three containers are very well made and ship inside each other.They are a little small and you can't get a normal complete apple in any of them (the largest one is 3.9" wide and 2.1" high 10x5.3cm).I suspect they may be more useful for dips and one of their larger ones for snacks on the move.
Sara Oxo
Stainless Steel Lunch box expensive but nice. This is a lovely size and its so nice no having to use a plastic tub as that always annoys me. The metal and silicone are easy to use and keep clean, the lid is great as I usually end up with salad dressing all over my cool bag if I�m not careful and this lid kept it all in!! Its not the largest of lunchboxes but it�s a fair size. I honestly don�t know if I would pay the price of this, as it is a very good product but I�m tight so I would struggle to buy it for myself. That being said I would put it on my pressie list that I give my husband.
Doesn�t stain, convenient sizes, love them. Won�t ever go back to plastic.
Doesn�t stain, great size, won�t ever go back to plastic containers
Kim McCollum
Have not used much keep forgetting to take it with me.
You will get x3 leak-proof, easy to open & close containers:� Small - 90ml� Medium - 200ml� Large -350mlThey are sturdy, non-toxic,plastic-free, environment-friendly containersPerfect for work/school lunches, please check sizes before ordering, they aren't big, but for me just perfect size.
Great set. They fit inside one another and the lids stay on tight. No worried about plastic or staining... but you can�t put them in the microwave. Good for nuts, biscuits or other dry snacks. Use mine all the time!
Great stainless steel lunch box, is actually brushed steel and comes with a nice snug fitting lid made from rubber.The lid is a little to snug and might be a challenge for a kid to take off and put back on.The size is perfect for a sandwich plus a chocolate bar (penguin bar size)Really good quality and is dishwasher safe. Love it.
Omg these little tubs are fantastic. The pack comes with 3 different sizes. Each one brushed steel with a nice tight lid. The lid is made of rubber and fits very tight and snug.The product is made very well and is dishwasher safe. I have been using along side main pack lunch for kids to put addition snacks and treats.Love them!,
Made from non-toxic material, plastic-free. Ideal size, 700 ml.You can pre-heat your food in an oven, but be careful don't use in a microwave, that's the only one negative bit.Great for the environment as no plastics used.Ideal for salads, or something you don't need to preheat in the microwave. Dishwasher safe
3 stainless steel containers:The biggest is 10.8cm diameter, 5.6cm high, weight 95.2g, capacity 400mlMedium one is 9.0cm diameter, 4.7cm high, weight 65.8g, capacity 220mlSmallest one is 7.0cm diameter, 4.0cm high, weight 43.6g, capacity 100ml.All of them are reusable, recyclable and eco- friendly, chemicals free, dishwasher and oven safe, leak-proof, very durable and light. Perfect for snacks or even leftovers to put to fridge. I like that they don't catch the colour like the plastic ones.Very simple design, well made, takes just a little space. Price is great compare to the quality you get. I love them and I would recommend!
Dimensions of this product: length 16cm, width 11.4cm, height 4.8cm, weight 140 gr (with lid on 200 gr), capacity 800ml.This lunch box is super easy to wash, dishwasher safe, eco- friendly, safe and healthy, reusable, recyclable, oven safe, leak proof. Design is simple, product itself is very durable and sturdy. Won�t catch the colour after food ( like plastic containers do). Capacity is great for a lunch portion. Good product for a reasonable price. I like it a lot and I would recommend this lunch box.
Great design, this is simply just large enough for a filling lunch. So far no leaks, and the lid has stayed on when needed. I have used this with home made soup, and the lid works faultlessly, the fact that it is not microwaveable is not a problem. I've always heated my soup in the bowl anyway. This is also great for taking cut fruit to work, keeping the fruit fresh and lush - my favourite at the minute is blueberries, strawberries, mango, and banana. Minimal design this box would also be ideal for filling up at your local zerowaster whether with rice, pasta, beans, etc. Good design and very sturdy indeed. Genuinely impressed.
This is a lovely change from the usual plastic type of food storage box with its stainless steel body and silicone lid.It could be used for a multitude of storage and food purposes. Mine is ideal for my stash of chocolate ??It�s extremely easy to clean and dry; therefore very hygienic and totally reusable! Water just runs off it!It also looks good! Quite smart and would look fine anywhere.The lid, when pushed on fully, creates an air tight seal that is also leak proof. This works incredibly well.Great value item and recommended
I love this stainless steel lunch box. So much better than a plastic one. It is so easy to clean and seals well. I'm sure it will last and last.Highly recommended
love the weight (not too flimsy nor too light) and design of this product. top fits extremely well on bowl with a better seal for longer food preservation than other similar products.
Used for lunches for my 5 yo and she finds them fairly easy to open and close herself.